The projects
(GAMEIN5D in action)
Well, maybe not the pub, but possibly the end of this project. On a side note, I have actually been to the pub from the XXXX advert, it's in Oz, it's very cool and has (well had 14 years ago) a car from Mad Max 2 parked outside. I spent two weeks out there once (field work, not in the pub) and brought my wife (then fiancee) a stubby (beer bottle) holder, themed shot glass and a fridge magnet back as gifts (from a major silver mining region). And she still married me, bless her.
Also, any surfaces I think are too shiny or uniform have had a few wash coats to "knock back" the shine and produce some variation. So, this "aerial" shot, again produced in partnership with being too short and teaching your children some new swear words because you didn't know they were in ear-shot, shows where I am now I also need to start thinking about finishing up with accessories, some sparse vegetation, scrubby trees, some discarded equipment and a couple of road signs I think. For the trees I've got some bits of privet drying out in the oven, that's not a phrase I've used before, it'd make a great euphemism for something - "I'm just drying out me privet in the oven".
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Hello, I'm Jon.
I'm very much a learner model maker, especially dioramas, gaming surfaces, models and toy boxes for me and my children. Archives
March 2019